Reachout Incorporated

Reach Incorporated in Washington D.C. is an out-of-school time program through which teens, who struggle with reading, are hired
as elementary school literacy tutors and supported in becoming children’s book authors, resulting in reading improvement for both
the elementary school students and their teen tutors.

Currently, eight out of ten DC public school students enter high school reading below grade level. This crisis has roots far earlier, as more than half of the city’s students are reading below grade level by the end of 3rd grade. Some may see two distinct challenges. At Reach, we see a single opportunity. 

Reach Incorporated develops grade-level readers and capable leaders by training teens to teach younger students, resulting in improved literacy outcomes for both. Struggling teen readers benefit from practicing reading at, or just above, their current grade level. Younger readers benefit from targeted instruction and relevant texts. Through Reach’s unique, out-of-school-time model, the needs of both populations can be met through a single literacy-focused relationship.

Through Reach’s model, many of our teens are seen as community assets for the first time. By serving as tutors, they become role models while addressing foundational literacy gaps and ensuring that younger members of their community never fall behind.

Founded in 2009, Reach began serving participants in the fall of 2010.  In that first year, the organization recruited 20 teen tutors to work with 20 elementary school students at Perry Street Prep Public Charter School.  In 2011, a second site was added in partnership with Eastern Senior High School, our first DC Public Schools partner.  Since then, we have added 7 additional program sites.

In 2013, Reach launched the Summer Leadership Academy.  During this intensive summer program, teens develop leadership skills, practice high-level communication competencies, and plan for life beyond high school. Additionally, as part of this summer programming, 44 of Reach’s teens have authored 17 children’s books.  Almost 20,000 copies of these books are currently in circulation.

Reach’s work has been recognized by the Aspen Institute and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. In 2015, Reach was awarded the National Book Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize, given to one organization promoting the love of reading. During the 2016 – 2017 school year, Reach served 350 participants – 180 teen tutors and 170 elementary school students – at 8 program sites in the District of Columbia.  As part of our current strategic plan, we aim to serve 500 participants by the fall of 2017 and 1,100 by the fall of 2021.

After-School Tutoring: Reach Incorporated creates improved reading outcomes through a unique, three-pronged approach:

    • Training: Twice each week, teen tutors are guided by professional instructors in creating lesson plans grounded in the five core components of literacy development: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
    • Tutoring: On two alternating days, teens use these lesson plans to provide one-on-one or small group instruction to 2nd and 3rd grade students in need of support to achieve reading proficiency.
    • Compensation: High school tutors are paid for program participation and can earn promotions based on their performance both in and after school. 

Summer Leadership Academy: Teen tutors can participate in an intensive, six week leadership development program. During this experience, teen build resumes, participate in mock interviews, visit colleges, compete in a public speaking challenge, and author children’s books that are both engaging and relevant.

College Mentoring: Tutors in 11th grade are paired with professionals from local companies who assist with college selection, applications, and financial aid. 

Teen Authors: Teen authors regularly visit local schools to inspire young audiences with books that tell engaging and relevant stories filled with diverse characters that represent the communities we serve.


Summer Leadership Academy: Teen tutors can participate in an intensive, six week leadership development program. During this experience, teen build resumes, participate in mock interviews, visit colleges, compete in a public speaking challenge, and author children’s books that are both engaging and relevant.

College Mentoring: Tutors in 11th grade are paired with professionals from local companies who assist with college selection, applications, and financial aid. 

Teen Authors: Teen authors regularly visit local schools to inspire young audiences with books that tell engaging and relevant stories filled with diverse characters that represent the communities we serve.

Additionally, Reach’s tutors regular report their high levels of satisfaction with the program. They have authored 17 children’s books, with almost 20,000 copies in circulation. The strength of our teens’ books is evident through the fact that a highly regarded early-childhood provider recently purchased 3,000 copies of one of our books to distribute, for free, to the city’s Pre-K students.

Recommendations for Replication and/or Adaptation

    • Though Reach’s program curriculum is not currently available for distribution, members of the program team are available for occasional phone consultations. 
    • To successfully replicate our after-school program, it is necessary to have an interested high school located near an elementary school. Training sessions take place twice a week; i.e. at the high school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tutoring sessions occur at the elementary school  twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
    • The most challenging part for our Program Instructors, the adults who lead training sessions and supervise tutoring sessions,  is to ensure that the teen tutors are responsible and prepared for leading lesson planning and execution.  
    •  Additionally, our core beliefs require that we build long-term relationships, which is why tutors are hired in 9th grade and can remain through graduation.  Finally, membership in Reach’s community is unconditional; tutors cannot be fired.
    • If interested in our teen-authored books, it should be noted that we partner directly with Shout Mouse Press, a writing program and publishing house that assists Reach’s teens in creating and publishing engaging and relevant stories.  

Contact Information
 Dr. Jennifer Cartland, Executive Director|
(215) 205 – 9902
To see Reach’s program in action, check out this short video from Stone Soup Films. 

 Reach Incorporated Newsletter, May 31, 2017 

Confident Readers, Capable Readers
Spotlight: It was the final day of the program year at Drew Elementary School. The kids scrambled to sign yearbooks created by our Program Instructors. Surrounded by this energy, I turned to Trevon (a tutor from H.D. Woodson School, pictured below) and said, “Are you going to miss this?”

He looked at me, paused a beat, and said, “I’ll be back in a couple weeks.” He could see the confusion on my face. He continued, 

“They invited me to be the graduation speaker.”

We’re so proud of this young man as he emerges as a leader and a role model to the students who look up to him each day.

10th grade tutor, Trevon, will speak at Drew Elementary School’s 5th grade graduation.

          Next year, we look forward to launching our 9th program site and growing to serve 500                         program  participants!

Partnering with The DC Share Fund, Shout Mouse Press, and Inner City Inner Child, 3,000 copies of A to Z: The Real DC will be distributed to early childhood students and their teachers over the next year!

We recently celebrated the end of our 7th year of programming. As part of our end-of-year celebrations, we honored three exceptional students at each of our elementary school sites. We were proud to honor our first-ever Rales Readers with brand new backpacks (pictured).

Reach’s Board of Directors recently approved a $1,395,000 FY18 budget. As part of the organization’s continued growth, we will move to a larger office space this summer. 

Kairon, a tutor at Beacon House, was featured on a local blog, We,The 51st State.

What’s Next?
June 26, 2017: Launch of Reach’s Summer Leadership Academy.
        June 30, 2017: The close of FY17.
         July 31, 2017: Move to new location at 300 M Street SE.

At the end of our 7th year of programming, please accept our most sincere appreciation for making all of our work possible. You’ll see your impact as we share the smiling faces of high school graduates in the coming weeks. Thank you for your ongoing support of this important work!

2023:  Reach, Incorporated’s Summer Leadership Academy